Database of Estonian Articles ISE


Database of Estonian Articles Index Scriptorum Estoniae (ISE) is a data set compiled by major Estonian libraries and containing information about articles in Estonian and related to Estonia which have been published in Estonia or abroad.

The database content is based on newspapers, journals, article collections and serials, published primarily in Estonia. ISE also describes articles related to Estonia which have been issued in foreign publications, and articles by Estonian authors published abroad (Estonica), including articles by Estonians in exile and related to Estonians in exile published in exile newspapers.

During 2009-2016 Estonian libraries jointly contributed by bibliographing for the database and the records of articles from practically all publications were entered. As of 1 January 2017, publications are bibliographed selectively proceeding from the thematic bases of libraries and using both print and online publications.

ISE is based on print and online publications. Article records contain a link to the online catalogue ESTER which enables to reach the print publication. Where the full text is available, the record gives a link to the full text.

The database contains about 2 million article records, most of them dating from 1993-2016. In the following years the records have been entered selectively and many publications are available as full texts in the portal DIGAR Estonian articles.

The database enables to search

  • by keyword;
  • by author and title;
  • by the publication title or publication date;
  • by the subject term and Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) number.

In addition to the ISE database you can search different subject databases which contain, in addition to article records, descriptions of books and theses/dissertations.

The official name of the database is Database of Estonian Articles Index Scriptorum Estoniae (ISE).

The database ISE is managed by the Estonian Library Network Consortium and it operates the software of the integrated library system Sierra, developed by the company Innovative Interfaces (USA). The user interface of the database is in Estonian and English.

The data of the online catalogue are freely available to all for copy cataloguing.

See also

See the video introducing database ISE  [in estonian] (by University of Tartu Library)

Statutes of Database of Estonian Articles ISE

User guide of database ISE
