EBSCO Databases for Entire Estonia
Since 2002 the Ministry of Research and Education has financed the purchase for Estonia of EBSCO databases via the programme EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries). This has given all Estonian libraries, information centres, hospitals and state institutions the opportunity to use EBSCO databases free of charge.
EBSCO platform offers access to multidisciplinary abstract and full text databases, the databases of many specialties, as well as scientific and popular scientific journals, books, study materials, pictures, etc.
Getting access to databases requires to create a user account for the institution. Generally, access is based on the IP-addresses of the institution’s computer network. Libraries have the right to give their registered users the username and password assigned to the library, thus allowing the users to access databases also from their private computers. This helps libraries to make available thousands of scientific and popular scientific journals to all in Estonia who can use a computer with internet access.
If a library or state institution wishes to be registered, the corresponding contact details and IP address ranges should be sent at marika.meltsas@elnet.ee. Private individuals who wish to obtain the user IDs for the database should contact the library where they are registered users.
Please note that you have to use English-language search terms for database search. The Estonian Subject Thesaurus provides Estonian-language terms with English equivalents which can be helpful.
See user guide for EBSCO (prepared by University of Tartu Library).
Journals accessible in EBSCO databases
EBSCO Academic Search Complete
EBSCO Business Source Complete
EBSCO Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
EBSCO Health Source – Consumer Edition
EBSCO MasterFILE Premiere