In most web browsers, you can zoom in and out by holding down the Ctrl key (the Cmd key in OS X) and pressing either the "+" or "-" key at the same time.
Another option is to use the mouse: hold down the Ctrl key and move the mouse scroll wheel. To return to normal size, press the Ctrl and 0 keys at the same time.
In My ESTER you can view items you have checked out.
Checkouts displays the details of items checked out. By clicking on Sort by due date, you can sort the list by due dates.
In My ESTER you can also renew the items checked out.
In the list of items which have been checked out, click on the link Renew all or select certain titles and click on Renew selected items.
If the renewal is successful, the STATUS column displays the text RENEWED and the new due date.
The item cannot be renewed if:
If the system does not allow to renew the item, please contact your library (See more).
The list of items which have been checked out also shows the unpaid fines. The increase of fines can be avoided if you return the overdue item(s)!